Nails are more than just a place for nail polish. They’re made of a tough protein called keratin, similar to what makes up our hair and outer skin layer. Nails serve important functions like protecting our fingertips. Here are five facts about nails that just may surprise you.

Nails Are Made of Keratin
At their core, nails are composed of a protein called keratin. This tough protein also forms the basis of our hair and the outer layer of our skin. Keratin is important for providing structure and protection, which explains why nails are hard. However, unlike hair, nails are not composed of living cells, which is why they don’t experience pain when trimmed or cut or need time to “breathe” from nail polish. Check out our blog about why nails don’t need a break from polish!

Different Growth Rates
Ever noticed that your fingernails seem to grow faster than your toenails? That’s because nails grow at varying rates depending on factors such as age, genetics, and even the time of year. On average, fingernails grow about 3.5 millimeters per month, while toenails only grow at approximately 1.6 millimeters per month. Interestingly, nails also tend to grow faster in warmer climates and during pregnancy. Keeping your nails hydrated with our PURE NAILS Cuticle Oil is a great way to ensure your nails are healthy as they grow out.

Indicate Possible Health Conditions
Your nails can often provide clues about your overall health. Changes in color, texture, or shape can sometimes indicate underlying medical conditions. Paying attention to changes in your nails can sometimes help in detecting health issues early. Be sure to consult with your doctor about any concerns you may have!

The Nail Growth Process
Nail growth begins beneath the skin in the nail root, which is located just under the cuticle. Cells in the root multiply, pushing older cells forward. As these older cells are pushed outward, they harden and form the visible nail plate. If your nails tend to be brittle as they grow out, get a PURE SCULPT MANI to add strength and protection.

Nails play an important protective role for our fingers and toes. They shield the sensitive tips of our fingers and toes from injuries and trauma, acting as a natural barrier. This protective function is crucial for activities such as gripping, scratching, and picking up small objects.

While nails may seem like a simple part of our bodies, they are complex and essential to our daily lives. From protecting our fingertips to providing potential health insights, nails deserve appreciation for their functionality and the fascinating science behind them.
Call or text 608-515-4775 or book online to schedule your nail appointment today!